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Hörbuch-Serie "First Family" Hörbücher 1-7 (von 7)

Marie Force: State of Affairs:
State of Affairs
AutorIn: Marie Force
SprecherIn: Eva Kaminsky
Dauer: 10 Std. 49 Min.
Erschienen: 20.04.2021

The phone call that changed their lives forever....

Minutes after Vice President Nick Cappuano and Lt. Sam Holland get the call that President Nelson has been found dead in the residence on Thanksgiving, they’re still processing that Nick has been asked to come to the White House to take the oath of office.

As they go through the motions to ensure a peaceful transition of power, Sam has a million and one concerns about her husband, her family, the Nelson family, the country, and the enormity of what Nick is about to take on. In the back of her mind is another major concern: What does this mean for my job? No other first lady in history has held a job outside the White House, but she’s determined to be the first, to blaze new trails for those who will follow her.

However, in order to do that, she quickly realizes that compromises will have to be made to continue working as a Homicide detective. Their lives become an immediate firestorm of meetings, requests for interviews, difficult questions from their children, and a host of potential landmines to navigate as they make the transition from second family to first family. An unexpected issue with a diplomatic trip to Iran quickly thrusts Nick into the thick of his new responsibilities while Sam confronts a murder investigation that may have ties to a cold case from 15 years ago.

As everything around them spins out of control, Sam and Nick take refuge with each other, relying on their unbreakable bond to see them through the storm.

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Serie First Family (1-7 von 7)
Marie Force: State of Grace–Für alle Ewigkeit: First Family 2

Auch wenige Tage vor Weihnachten hat Lieutenant Sam Holland alle Hände voll zu tun, nicht nur mit den Festvorbereitungen im Weißen Haus, sondern auch mit ihrer Arbeit bei der Mordkommission der Hauptstadt. Eine allseits beliebte Ehefrau, Mutter und Geschäftsfrau ist auf grausame Art und Weise getötet worden, und Sam ist entschlossen, diesen rätselhaften Fall noch vor dem dringend benötigten Urlaub mit ihrer Familie zu lösen. Doch als ein zweiter Mord geschieht, scheint dieser Wunsch in weite Ferne zu rücken. Während Sams Mann Nick Cappuano in einer neuen Krise wieder einmal seine Fähigkeiten als Präsident beweisen muss, findet die frischgebackene First Family in der noch ungewohnten Umgebung allmählich zu einer Routine. Aber dann gerät das Familienglück in Gefahr, und Sam und Nick müssen sich inmitten des Chaos auf das besinnen, was ihre Beziehung so einzigartig macht–ihre Liebe zueinander und zu ihren Kindern …

State of Grace–Für alle Ewigkeit
First Family 2
AutorIn: Marie Force
SprecherIn: Karoline Mask Von Oppen
Dauer: 12 Std. 48 Min.
Erschienen: 03.10.2023
Marie Force, Oliver Hoffmann - translator: State of Affairs–Liebe in Gefahr: First Family, Book 1

Gerade haben Lieutenant Sam Holland und ihr Mann Nick Cappuano noch mit Freunden und Familie Thanksgiving gefeiert, da finden sie sich plötzlich auf dem Weg ins Weiße Haus wieder: Präsident Nelson ist unerwartet verstorben, und Nick muss als sein Vizepräsident und Nachfolger so schnell wie möglich den Amtseid ablegen. Trotz aller Turbulenzen, die der Übergang von der zweiten zur ersten Familie des Landes für den Holland/Cappuano-Haushalt mit sich bringt, steht für Sam doch vor allem die Frage im Vordergrund, wie sie als First Lady weiter ihrem geliebten Job als Chefin der Mordkommission der Washingtoner Polizei nachgehen kann. Und während Nick sich mit seiner ersten außenpolitischen Krise herumschlagen muss, bekommt Sam eine Mordermittlung auf den Tisch, die zudem mit einem fünfzehn Jahre alten Fall zusammenzuhängen scheint …

State of Affairs–Liebe in Gefahr
First Family, Book 1
AutorIn: Marie Force, Oliver Hoffmann - translator
SprecherIn: Karoline Mask von Oppen
Dauer: 13 Std. 13 Min.
Erschienen: 21.06.2023
Marie Force: State of Grace: A First Family Novel

The exciting new First Family Series continues with the Cappuano family’s first Christmas at the White House shadowed by a murder investigation that strikes a little too close to home.

State of Grace
A First Family Novel
AutorIn: Marie Force
SprecherIn: Eva Kaminsky
Dauer: 10 Std. 47 Min.
Erschienen: 21.12.2021
Marie Force: State of the Union:

President Cappuano has been working for months on his first State of the Union address, his highest profile moment yet as the country’s new president. He’s dealing with a wide array of complex issues and is counting down to the televised speech before a joint session of Congress. While he tries to strike the right tone to assure the American people that their new president is hard at work on their behalf, his wife, Metro Police Lt. Sam Holland is faced with one of the most confounding cases of her career and juggling some complex issues at home with the couple’s children. Add to that some vexing security concerns, and the first couple are on edge as they wonder whether they’ll pass this first big test for the fledgling Cappuano administration.

As always, when things get too hot to handle in the rest of their lives, Sam and Nick turn to each other for solace as their bond grows deeper by the day in this latest installment in the First Family Series!

State of the Union
AutorIn: Marie Force
SprecherIn: Eva Kaminsky
Dauer: 11 Std. 47 Min.
Erschienen: 20.09.2022
Marie Force: State of the Union: Du und ich gemeinsam: First Family 3

Eigentlich waren die Weihnachtstage als dringend benötigte Auszeit für die Familie von Lieutenant Sam Holland und ihrem Mann US-Präsident Nick Cappuano gedacht. Stattdessen sieht sich Sam mit einem Serienvergewaltiger konfrontiert, der die Frauen in ihrer Stadt bedroht. Zusätzlich schlägt sich die Mordkommission weiter mit den Konsequenzen der aufgedeckten Skandale innerhalb der Washingtoner Polizei herum, deren Auswirkungen sie alle betreffen könnten. Währenddessen bereitet sich Nick auf den bisher wichtigsten Moment in seiner Amtszeit als Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten vor: seine erste Rede zur Lage der Nation, die den Ton für seine gesamte Amtszeit setzen wird. Glücklicherweise wissen Sam und Nick, dass sie sich auch in Krisenzeiten auf eines felsenfest verlassen können: die bedingungslose Unterstützung durch ihre Familie und ihre Liebe zueinander …

State of the Union: Du und ich gemeinsam
First Family 3
AutorIn: Marie Force
SprecherIn: Karoline Mask Von Oppen
Dauer: 13 Std. 10 Min.
Erschienen: 05.02.2024
Marie Force: State of Shock: First Family, Book 4

This story picks up right where State of the Union left off with another wild ride for the First Couple as they navigate work, family, and an all new and extra baffling murder mystery that has Sam pushing the boundaries to get answers before a killer can strike again. Meanwhile, Nick contends with the aftermath of his landmark State of the Union address as a person from his past threatens to undo all the progress he’s made since assuming the presidency.

State of Shock
First Family, Book 4
AutorIn: Marie Force
SprecherIn: Eva Kaminsky
Dauer: 10 Std. 59 Min.
Erschienen: 20.12.2022
Marie Force: State of Denial: First Family, Book 5

Denial: refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant…

His mother has been arrested, his government is under new threat, the relentless media is driving him mad, and denial becomes the word of the day for President Nick Cappuano.

Meanwhile, his wife, DC Metro Police Lt. Sam Holland Cappuano has caught a big new case with suspects everywhere she looks. Watch for her partner, Detective Freddie Cruz, to take center stage in this investigation when a variety of personal situations keep Sam off the job.

With the countdown on to their second anniversary, the first couple is keeping their heads down and their eyes on the prize of a week away from the capital city. But with threats circling all around them, will they be able to make it happen?

The fifth First Family book picks up right where State of Shock left off, with Sam and her family continuing to absorb the loss of a beloved family member as she and her team work to clean up the mess former Lt. Stahl has left behind.

State of Denial
First Family, Book 5
AutorIn: Marie Force
SprecherIn: Eva Kaminsky
Dauer: 11 Std. 33 Min.
Erschienen: 25.08.2023
Marie Force: State of Bliss: First Family Series, Book 6

When you have their jobs, there’s no such thing as a peaceful vacation…

Sam and Nick are ready to get out of DC—and the White House—for a much-needed vacation to celebrate their second anniversary. Due to ongoing political pressures, they decide to scuttle their plans for a return to Bora Bora to stay closer to home at their favorite oceanfront house at Dewey Beach in Delaware. But before they can make their escape, Sam is summoned back to work to deal with yet another crisis in the ongoing investigation into former Lieutenant Stahl. Just when they think they’ve seen the full scope of his depravity, there is more. Sam leaves Gonzo, Freddie and the rest of the squad in charge of a new investigation of a murdered college student while Gigi and Cameron deal with the Internal Affairs Board and plot their strategy to respond to a lawsuit from the Patrick family. Meanwhile, Nick’s mother is working on a plea deal with an unexpected new advocate who wants her to reconcile with her estranged son.

As always for the first couple, nothing ever goes according to plan, but the chance to spend a week mostly alone is just what they needed until their children, family and friends join them for the final weekend at the beach.

It’s March in Dewey, and Sam and Nick are snuggling in front of the fire as they prepare to begin their third year of marriage.

State of Bliss
First Family Series, Book 6
AutorIn: Marie Force
SprecherIn: Eva Kaminsky
Dauer: 10 Std. 17 Min.
Erschienen: 25.12.2023
Marie Force: State of Suspense: First Family Series, Book 7

A high-profile murder has Sam and her team chasing an elusive killer...

Just back from their anniversary trip to Dewey Beach, there’s no slow roll back to work for the first couple as Sam is immediately thrust into a baffling new case that has everyone on edge. The FBI wants in on this one, and she’s determined to figure out what happened before they can take over her investigation. Avery Hill and his team is also nosing in on the new investigation into Stahl’s nefarious past, forcing her to go on defense as she strives to protect her team and her beloved Uncle Joe from intense criticism.

In the midst of the new case, she’s got to put on her first lady hat for the Canadian Prime Minister and his wife, who are in town for the Cappuano administration’s first State Dinner. Once they get through that event, Sam and Nick will finally meet with Nick’s mother, who's asked for a chance to make things right with her son. With all of that going on, who has time to breathe let alone give an in-depth interview designed to stop the “illegitimate president” nonsense once and for all?

State of Suspense
First Family Series, Book 7
AutorIn: Marie Force
SprecherIn: Eva Kaminsky
Dauer: -1 Std. 53 Min.
Erscheint am: 24.05.2024
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