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Hörbuch-Serie "Do the Hard Things First Series" Hörbücher 1-3 (von 3)

Scott Allan: Do the Hard Things First: How to Win Over Procrastination and Master the Habit of Doing Difficult Work (Bulletproof Mindset Mastery Series)
Ungekürztes Hörbuch: Wirtschaft & Karriere / Erfolg im Beruf
Do the Hard Things First
How to Win Over Procrastination and Master the Habit of Doing Difficult Work (Bulletproof Mindset Mastery Series)
AutorIn: Scott Allan
SprecherIn: Joe Hempel
Dauer: 5 Std. 11 Min.
Erschienen: 28.06.2021

Break the procrastination habit, accelerate your productivity, and take control of your life now.

Are you living in chaos because you constantly put off critical tasks until the last minute? Do you feel disorganized both at home and at work? Do you experience feelings of anxiety, frustration, and helplessness with all your incomplete projects?

If so, it's time to defeat the procrastination habit and rewire your habits for doing difficult work now.

"Reinvent your approach to doing difficult work and stop delaying to live your life."

Best-selling author and personal development trainer, Scott Allan, wants you to defeat procrastination, eliminate negative self-talk, and overcome lazy tendencies to delay hard work. In this hands-on, practical guide, you'll learn Scott's step-by-step method to destroy bad habits and end self-sabotage so that you can stop guilting yourself for working hard but getting nothing done.

In Do the Hard Things First, you'll discover how to:

  • Control self-defeating distractions and manage shiny object syndrome.
  • Identify key constraints holding you back and take massive action for optimal results.
  • Avoid doing random tasks and time block your critical work.
  • Identify negative coping mechanisms and develop a great work ethic.
  • Implement daily exercises for making better choices and building greater confidence in decision-making.
  • Structure your priorities by single-focusing on what matters most.
  • Train your brain to master attention by interrupting sudden "impulse snaps".
  • Take responsibility for your life and forgive yourself for procrastination behavior.

Do the Hard Things First is structured to save you time, increase mental energy, and teach you to think from a mindset built with confidence by removing fear. You'll learn how to focus on your number-one tasks for the day, eliminate overwhelm, and become the best version of yourself in both your work and in life.

"Today, not tomorrow. Do it now, not later."

It's time for a change. It's time to start winning instead of losing to the battle that has consumed your life - the battle against procrastination. From today, stop being mean to yourself, develop superior discipline and self-control, and do whatever it takes to eliminate the stress and anxiety procrastination creates.

Stop wasting time - scroll up now and click the "Buy Now" button to discover how to beat procrastination and get hard work done!

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Serie Do the Hard Things First Series (1-3 von 3)
Scott Allan: Do the Hard Things First: Master Self-Control: Resist Instant Gratification, Build Mental Toughness, and Master the Habits of Self Control (Do the Hard Things First Series, Book 2)

Master the Art of Self-Control and Achieve Lasting Success

Are you tired of being held back by self-sabotaging behaviors? Do you find yourself constantly giving in to instant gratification instead of staying focused on your goals?

If you're ready to break free from these internal limitations, it's time to master the art of self-control.

Success isn't just about talent or intelligence—it requires a powerful mindset and unwavering willpower. In Do The Hard Things First: Master Self-Control, renowned Personal Development Leader and Mindset Optimization Strategist, Scott Allan, presents a proven framework to overcome immediate gratification, conquer compulsive behavior, and cultivate the habits of self-control.

Inside Master Self-Control, you'll discover invaluable strategies to:

  • Conquer compulsions that hinder your progress toward your goals.
  • Harness your willpower effectively, knowing when to persist and when to let go.
  • Develop unstoppable perseverance through four powerful techniques.
  • Defeat temptation using proven delay strategies.
  • Attain success in relationships, finances, and happiness by delaying instant gratification.
  • Break free from your inner saboteur and take absolute control of your life using the Master Self-Control framework.
  • Scott Allan's transformative process trains your mind to focus on internal factors rather than external circumstances.

By mastering your thoughts and actions, you will develop an unbreakable character rooted in mental toughness, facilitating long-term growth and sustainable habits.

Unlock your full potential and seize control of your destiny. With Master Self-Control as your guide, you'll embark on a transformative journey toward lasting success, leaving behind old habits and embracing a future of unbounded possibilities.

Scott Allan: Do the Hard Things First: Endlich anfangen und dranbleiben – So erledigst du jeden Tag schwierige To-dos

Überblick und Selbstdisziplin statt Chaos und Überforderung Wir kennen es alle: Die Steuererklärung ist fällig und der Chef wartet auf den Bericht, doch plötzlich muss ganz dringend das Bad geputzt werden. So stapeln sich die unerledigten Aufgaben, die To-do-Liste im Kopf wird immer länger und zum Energiefresser. Denn die unschöne Angewohnheit, die schwierigsten To-dos als Letztes anzugehen – oder überhaupt nicht – führt zu Stress, Überforderung und Schuldgefühlen. Doch Prokrastination ist keine Charaktereigenschaft, sondern eine antrainierte Verhaltensweise, die sich umlernen lässt. Scott Allan hat ein Repertoire an 22 neuen Strategien zusammengestellt, mit denen Sie lernen, sich auf die wichtigsten Aufgaben des Tages zu konzentrieren und das Beste aus sich herauszuholen. Und das nicht erst morgen, sondern jetzt. Probieren Sie es aus!

Scott Allan: Breaking Bad Habits: How to Harness Your Willpower to Break Bad Habits and Build Powerful Self-Discipline: Do the Hard Things First Series, Book 3

Unlock Your Full Potential and Harness the Power of Unshakeable Self-Discipline

In "Do the Hard Things First: How to Harness Your Willpower to Break Bad Habits and Build Powerful Self-Discipline," embark on a transformative mission to develop robust self-discipline and free yourself from the destructive habits that impede your progress.

This comprehensive guide provides practical, actionable strategies designed to help you confront life’s challenges and attain personal and professional fulfillment.

With insights derived from scientific research, relatable success stories, and time-tested techniques, this book unveils a structured program to disrupt detrimental habits, instill positive ones, and nurture the mental fortitude required for constant and never-ending growth.

Within the pages of this book, you will discover how to:

Delve into the science of habits and self-discipline

Identify, prioritize, and address your most challenging habits

Cultivate mental resilience, a robust mindset, and a growth-oriented perspective

Foster resilience, persistence, and an unbreakable work ethic.

Recognize the impact of positive habits and enduring change.

Achieve your objectives and evolve into the greatest version of yourself

Immerse yourself in the "Do the Hard Things First" philosophy and begin your training towards building greater self-discipline, mastering your habits, and developing mental resilience.

This book is an investment in your future, offering a blueprint for unlocking your ultimate potential and achieving a richer, more fulfilling life.

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