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Hörbuch-Kategorie "Literatur & Belletristik > Anthologien & Kurzgeschichten" Hörbücher 51-75

Laureen P. Cantwell - editor, Leonard Gill - editor: Memphis Noir:
Memphis Noir
AutorIn: Laureen P. Cantwell - editor, Leonard Gill - editor
SprecherIn: Brian Sutherland, Jonathan Davis, Mirron Willis, Vikas Adam, Allyson Johnson, Kevin T. Collins, Peter Berkrot
Dauer: 7 Std. 50 Min.
Erschienen: 11.05.2016

A city equal parts darkness and hope. A scarred city. An often violent one. But a resilient city, too.

That's our Memphis.

Like many cities we have a namesake - in Egypt, Men-nefer became Menfe became Memphis, enduring and beautiful, on the banks of the Nile. Centuries later, another continent, another people, another river: Memphis, Tennessee, the soul of the Mississippi Delta, was formed. We are a place born of history, inhabited as much by memory as by the living - the past and present inextricably and inescapably linked....

Memphis is marvels and misfits - two-faced and unabashedly so. We are Memphis, and this is our noir.

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Kategorie Literatur & Belletristik > Anthologien & Kurzgeschichten (51-75 von 1.504)
Klaus Stickelbroeck: Blindgänger: Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 1
Der sympathisch-chaotische Privatdetektiv Hartmann schlägt sich wieder durch! Diesmal nimmt Hartmann einen Job als Bodyguard bei der Schauspielerin Carmen Vlint an, die fest davon überzeugt ist, dass ihr ein Stalker nachstellt. Einen reichlich zudringlichen Fan, dem so etwas zuzutrauen wäre, hat Hartmann im Handumdrehen ermittelt. Trotzdem wird er von Carmen Vlints Ehemann Frank gefeuert, denn es gelingt einem Unbekannten, in Carmens Villa einzudringen. Als dann auch noch ein Mord passiert, ist das Chaos perfekt. Mit der Hilfe seiner Kumpels Regenrinnen-Rita, Krake, Angie und Huren-Heinz versucht Hartmann, Licht ins Dunkel der Geschehnisse um die schöne Carmen zu bringen.

"Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live" ist eine Hörbuch-Reihe, in der renommierte und beliebte Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller ihre eigenen Bücher vorstellen. Jeden Monat erscheint ein Roman, ungekürzt und wie bei einer Autoren-Lesung vom Autor selbst eingesprochen. Das ist für Fans eine Chance, ihre Lieblingsautoren ganz neu kennenzulernen, und für alle anderen eine gute Gelegenheit, neue und besondere Autoren zu entdecken.
Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 1
AutorIn: Klaus Stickelbroeck
SprecherIn: Klaus Stickelbroeck
Dauer: 9 Std. 12 Min.
Erschienen: 15.04.2017
Isabella Archan: Tote haben kein Zahnweh: Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 2
Ein mordskomischer Zahnarztkrimi mit einer liebenswert-chaotisch ermittelnden Dentistin.

Dr. Leocardia Kardiff, Zahnärztin mit Spritzenphobie, wird in den Mord an einer betuchten Witwe verwickelt. Von Neugierde und Gerechtigkeitssinn getrieben, macht sie sich auf die Suche nach dem Täter - und gerät nicht nur mit Hauptkommissar Jakob Zimmer, Ermittler mit Zahnschmerzen, in Konflikt, sondern auch selbst in Lebensgefahr. Denn der Mörder hat sie bereits im Visier...

"Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live" ist eine Hörbuch-Reihe, in der renommierte und beliebte Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller ihre eigenen Bücher vorstellen. Jeden Monat erscheint ein Roman, ungekürzt und wie bei einer Autoren-Lesung vom Autor selbst eingesprochen. Das ist für Fans eine Chance, ihre Lieblingsautoren ganz neu kennenzulernen, und für alle anderen eine gute Gelegenheit, neue und besondere Autoren zu entdecken.
Tote haben kein Zahnweh
Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 2
AutorIn: Isabella Archan
SprecherIn: Isabella Archan
Dauer: 11 Std. 03 Min.
Erschienen: 15.05.2017
Jan Schröter: Wie mich mein Deutschlehrer fast umbrachte...: Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 3
Tom Schröder will Autor werden! Ein berühmter Autor, das klappt garantiert, ist Tom sich sicher. Dass der Weg zum Erfolg ihn auf jede Menge Abwege führt, macht die Sache kompliziert. Egal, ob als Blumenverkäufer auf dem Hamburger Isemarkt oder in den Dünen mit Doro, zwischen Textilschmugglerinnen in Südamerika oder auf Drehbuch-Recherche in Australien, Toms schräger Charme schlägt noch in verlorensten Lebenslagen durch - bis ihn Romane und Drehbücher fast das Leben kosten...

"Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live" ist eine Hörbuch-Reihe, in der renommierte und beliebte Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller ihre eigenen Bücher vorstellen. Jeden Monat erscheint ein Roman, ungekürzt und wie bei einer Autoren-Lesung vom Autor selbst eingesprochen. Das ist für Fans eine Chance, ihre Lieblingsautoren ganz neu kennenzulernen, und für alle anderen eine gute Gelegenheit, neue und besondere Autoren zu entdecken.
Andreas J. Schulte: Eifelfieber: Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 4
Der Enthüllungsjournalist Roger Winkler hat sich angeblich das Leben genommen, doch seine Schwester glaubt nicht an einen Selbstmord und bittet den ehemaligen Militärpolizisten Paul David um Hilfe. Was als Routine beginnt, wird schnell zum Kampf um Leben und Tod, denn die beiden kommen einem Medikamenten-Syndikat auf die Spur, das über Leichen geht. Musste Winkler sterben, weil er zu viel wusste? Es ist ein gigantisches Geschäft auf Kosten unserer Gesundheit: 2015 beschlagnahmte der deutsche Zoll 3,9 Millionen gefälschte Medikamente. Das Risiko, das von derartigen Plagiaten ausgeht, ist immens.

Andreas J. Schulte hat intensiv das Thema recherchiert und entwickelt in seinem Kriminalroman ein packendes Geflecht aus skrupellosen Wirtschaftsinteressen und mörderischer Profitgier.

"Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live" ist eine Hörbuch-Reihe, in der renommierte und beliebte Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller ihre eigenen Bücher vorstellen. Jeden Monat erscheint ein Roman, ungekürzt und wie bei einer Autoren-Lesung vom Autor selbst eingesprochen. Das ist für Fans eine Chance, ihre Lieblingsautoren ganz neu kennenzulernen, und für alle anderen eine gute Gelegenheit, neue und besondere Autoren zu entdecken.
Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 4
AutorIn: Andreas J. Schulte
SprecherIn: Andreas J. Schulte
Dauer: 7 Std. 32 Min.
Erschienen: 15.07.2017
Peter Godazgar: Der tut nix, der will nur morden!: Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 6
Ein Einbrecher mit Hexenschuss, ein fanatischer Toilettenpapiersammler, zwei Dumpfbacken, die eine Sex-Hotline für Damen mit gehobenem Anspruch eröffnen: Es sind, gelinde gesagt, etwas schräge Typen, die Peter Godazgars Short Stories bevölkern. Die meisten Akteure führen nichts Böses im Schilde, wie etwa Manni Schibulski, der größte Udo-Lindenberg-Fan der Welt, der einfach nur in Ruhe den Geburtstag seines Stars feiern möchte.

Oder Helga, die Politesse, die in ihrem Eifer nicht merkt, dass es eben keine ganz normalen Falschparker sind, mit denen sie sich da anlegt. Allesamt verträgliche Typen, die wirklich niemandem etwas tun. Eigentlich. Man darf sie nur nicht ärgern - Die Stories von Peter Godazgar gehören zum Lustigsten, was die deutsche Krimiszene zu bieten hat. Vom Autor gelesen, sind sie noch lustiger!
br />"Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live" ist eine Hörbuch-Reihe, in der renommierte und beliebte Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller ihre eigenen Bücher vorstellen. Jeden Monat erscheint ein Roman, ungekürzt und wie bei einer Autoren-Lesung vom Autor selbst eingesprochen. Das ist für Fans eine Chance, ihre Lieblingsautoren ganz neu kennenzulernen, und für alle anderen eine gute Gelegenheit, neue und besondere Autoren zu entdecken.
Der tut nix, der will nur morden!
Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 6
AutorIn: Peter Godazgar
SprecherIn: Peter Godazgar
Dauer: 9 Std. 12 Min.
Erschienen: 15.09.2017
Ingrid Schmitz: Spiekerooger Utkieker: Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 5
Die Privatermittlerin Mia Magaloff muss dringend über ihre Zukunft nachdenken. Sie nimmt sich eine Auszeit auf der ostfriesischen Insel Spiekeroog. Sandstrand, Meer und Sonne - mehr braucht sie nicht dafür. Doch bereits auf der Fähre zur Insel wird sie verflucht, begegnet an der Utkieker-Skulptur einem scheinbar Durchgeknallten, der sie um Hilfe anfleht, und findet am anderen Tag eine Tote, die vielleicht noch hätte leben können, wenn Mia schneller gehandelt hätte. Sie muss sich kümmern und hat sieben Tage Zeit dafür, damit es nicht noch mehr Tote gibt...

"Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live" ist eine Hörbuch-Reihe, in der renommierte und beliebte Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller ihre eigenen Bücher vorstellen. Jeden Monat erscheint ein Roman, ungekürzt und wie bei einer Autoren-Lesung vom Autor selbst eingesprochen. Das ist für Fans eine Chance, ihre Lieblingsautoren ganz neu kennenzulernen, und für alle anderen eine gute Gelegenheit, neue und besondere Autoren zu entdecken.
Spiekerooger Utkieker
Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 5
AutorIn: Ingrid Schmitz
SprecherIn: Ingrid Schmitz
Dauer: 7 Std. 54 Min.
Erschienen: 15.08.2017
Tatjana Kruse: Glitzer, Glamour, Wasserleiche: Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 8
Tatjana Kruse, Star-Autorin und Comedy-Liebling der Krimifans, zeigt sich auf der Höhe ihrer Kunst und präsentiert ein Buch voller Drama, Glamour und rabenschwarzem Humor. Der Bodensee gibt seine Toten nicht mehr her? Denkste!

Die voluminöse Opernsängerin Pauline Miller hat in Bregenz Quartier genommen. Und wo Pauly ist, ist das Drama nicht weit - denn so gehört es sich für eine wahre Diva nun mal. Statt Männerkummer wird Pauline diesmal von Hundesorgen geplagt: Ein brutaler Dognapper hat ihren geliebten Radames entführt - ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste und das zarte Nervenkostüm der exzentrischen Pauline.

Und genau als der Hund abtaucht, taucht plötzlich eine Wasserleiche auf. Damit singt Pauline nun statt Arien den Blues und hat keinen Sinn für Proben. Zum spektakulären Showdown kommt es denn auch nicht auf der Seebühne, sondern mitten auf dem Bodensee.

"Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live" ist eine Hörbuch-Reihe, in der renommierte und beliebte Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller ihre eigenen Bücher vorstellen. Jeden Monat erscheint ein Roman, ungekürzt und wie bei einer Autoren-Lesung vom Autor selbst eingesprochen. Das ist für Fans eine Chance, ihre Lieblingsautoren ganz neu kennenzulernen, und für alle anderen eine gute Gelegenheit, neue und besondere Autoren zu entdecken.
Glitzer, Glamour, Wasserleiche
Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live 8
AutorIn: Tatjana Kruse
SprecherIn: Tatjana Kruse
Dauer: 6 Std. 45 Min.
Erschienen: 15.11.2017
Janine Armin - editor, Nathaniel G. Moore - editor: Toronto Noir:

A multicultural nexus, Toronto hosts Indian, Portuguese, African, Italian, and Chinese communities that provide fertile backdrops for Toronto Noir's corrosive exposés.

Features brand-new stories by RM Vaughan, Nathan Sellyn, Ibi Kaslik, Peter Robinson, Heather Birrell, Sean Dixon, Raywat Deonandad, Christine Murray, Gail Bowen, Emily Schultz, Andrew Pyper, Kim Moritsugu, Mark Sinnet, George Elliott Clarke, Pasha Malla, and Michael Redhill.

Toronto Noir
AutorIn: Janine Armin - editor, Nathaniel G. Moore - editor
SprecherIn: Libby Lennie, Julie Lemieux, Connie Wang, Andrew Jackson, Deborah Burgess, Chai Valladares, Michael David Kirby, Anna Sani
Dauer: 8 Std. 35 Min.
Erschienen: 27.02.2018
Tayari Jones: Atlanta Noir:

Atlanta itself is a crime scene. After all, Georgia was founded as a de facto penal colony, and in 1864, Sherman burned the city to the ground. We might argue about whether the arson was the crime or the response to the crime, but this is indisputable: Atlanta is a city sewn from the ashes, and everything that grows here is at once fertilized and corrupted by the past.

These stories do not necessarily conform to the traditional expectations of noir. However, they all share the quality of exposing the rot underneath the scent of magnolia and pine. Noir, in my opinion, is more a question of tone than content. The moral universe of the story is as significant as the physical space. Noir is a realm where the good guys seldom win; perhaps they hardly exist at all. Few bad deeds go unrewarded, and good intentions are not the road to hell but are hell itself. 

Welcome to Atlanta Noir. Come sit on the veranda or the terrace of a high-rise condo. Pour yourself a glass of sweet tea, and fortify it with a slug of bourbon. Put your feet up. Enjoy these stories, and watch your back.

Contains mature themes.

Atlanta Noir
AutorIn: Tayari Jones
SprecherIn: Ron Butler, Bahni Turpin
Dauer: 8 Std. 01 Min.
Erschienen: 24.04.2018
Susie Bright - editor: Santa Cruz Noir:

Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each book comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city. Following in the footsteps of Los Angeles Noir, San Francisco Noir, San Diego Noir, Orange County Noir, and Oakland Noir, this new volume further reveals the seedy underbelly of the Left Coast. 

Brand-new stories by: Tommy Moore, Jessica Breheny, Naomi Hirahara, Calvin McMillin, Liza Monroy, Elizabeth McKenzie, Jill Wolfson, Ariel Gore, Jon Bailiff, Maceo Montoya, Micah Perks, Seana Graham, Vinnie Hansen, Peggy Townsend, Margaret Elysia Garcia, Lou Mathews, Lee Quarnstrom, Dillon Kaiser, Beth Lisick, and Wallace Baine. 

From the introduction by Susie Bright: 

Every town has its noir-ville. It's easy to find in Santa Cruz. We live in what’s called "paradise", where you can wake up in a pool of blood with the first pink rays of the sunrise peeking out over our mountain range. The dewy mist lifts from the bay. Don't hate us because we're beautiful - we were made that way, like Venus rising off the foam with a brick in her hand. We can't help it if you fall for it every time.... 

"If I lived in a place like this," visitors often say, "I'd wake up with a smile every day." 

Oh, we do, thank you for that. There's no beauty like a merciless beauty - and like every crepuscular predator, she thrives at dawn and dusk. You're just the innocent we've been waiting for, with your big paper cone of sugar-shark cotton, whipped out of pure nothing. We have just the ride for you, the longest tunnel ever. Santa Cruz is everything you ever dreamed, and everything you ever screamed, in one long drop you'll never forget.

Full cast of narrators includes: James Patrick Cronin, Richard Ferrone, Susie Bright, Beth Lisick, Liza Monroy, Bailey Carr, Florence Cuddihy, Dan Bittner, P. J. Ochlan, Jon Bailiff, Derek Stephen Prince, Eliza Foss, Almarie Guerra, Therese Plummer, Michael Crouch, Nick Sullivan, Allison Hiroto, and Thom Rivera.  

Santa Cruz Noir
AutorIn: Susie Bright - editor
SprecherIn: James Patrick Cronin, Richard Ferrone, Susie Bright, Beth Lisick, Liza Monroy, Bailey Carr, Florence Cuddihy, Dan Bittner, P. J. Ochlan, Jon Bailiff, Derek Stephen Prince, Eliza Foss, Almarie Guerra, Therese Plummer|
Dauer: 8 Std. 40 Min.
Erschienen: 05.06.2018
John McFetridge, Jacques Filippi - editor: Montreal Noir:

Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each title comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city. Following the success of Toronto Noir, the Noir series explores new Canadian terrain, featuring both English and Francophone authors.  

Brand-new stories by: Patrick Senécal, Tess Fragoulis, Howard Shrier, Michel Basilières, Robert Pobi, Samuel Archibald, Geneviève Lefebvre, Ian Truman, Johanne Seymour, Arjun Basu, Martin Michaud, Melissa Yi, Catherine McKenzie, Peter Kirby, and Brad Smith.  

From the introduction by John McFetridge and Jacques Filippi:  

Montreal is one of the oldest cities in North America and seems to be in a constant state of flux, changing its personality every few decades. Today, the city has its own language: Franglais (or Frenglish). 

Maybe the first word spoken in that language was noir.... Perhaps it's fitting that a collection that brings so many of Montreal's cultures together is noir. Much of the city's literary tradition was defined by the two solitudes, and most of the works delved deeply into single neighborhoods.... 

This collection, with voices of French and English writers, visits many neighborhoods and combines them into something that is, if not totally coherent, at least as coherent as the beautiful mess that is Montreal....

Each neighborhood is different, and of course, each Montrealer (Montrealais) is different, making up the pieces of the mosaic of our city. Some are bright and shiny, others are darker and somber, but all have a shadow in the noir.  

Montreal Noir
AutorIn: John McFetridge, Jacques Filippi - editor
SprecherIn: Jane Dodds, Aaron Abano, Jacques Lalonde, Matthew Bissett, Duchess DeFoix
Dauer: 9 Std. 19 Min.
Erschienen: 03.07.2018
Sam Wiebe - editor: Vancouver Noir:

Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each audiobook comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city. 

Following the success of Montreal Noir and Toronto Noir, the Noir series travels to the West Coast of Canada. Brand-new stories by: Linda L. Richards, Timothy Taylor, Sheena Kamal, Robin Spano, Carleigh Baker, Sam Wiebe, Dietrich Kalteis, Nathan Ripley, Yasuko Thanh, Kristi Charish, Don English, Nick Mamatas, S.G. Wong, and R.M. Greenaway.  

From the introduction by Sam Wiebe:  

You might wonder what shadows could exist in Vancouver, rain-spattered jewel of the Pacific Northwest. Nestled between the US border and the Coast Mountains, the city's postcard charms are familiar, even to those who’ve never been here, thanks to the films and TV shows shot in Hollywood North: The X-Files and Deadpool, Rumble in the Bronx and Jason Takes Manhattan

Vancouver is the so-called City of Glass. A nice place, in any case, and much too nice for noir. Looked at from afar, Vancouver may seem idyllic. But living here is different - cold and baffling and occasionally hostile. 

While outsiders focus on high-test BC bud, locals see a heroin crisis: Vancouver is home to the first legalized safe-injection site in North America, now heavily taxed by overdoses resulting from street drugs cut with fentanyl. It's ground zero for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, a nationwide catastrophe involving the deaths and disappearances of hundreds of marginalized women. 

Money and status trample culture and community.... If Vancouver is a City of Glass, that glass is underneath our feet.  

Vancouver Noir
AutorIn: Sam Wiebe - editor
SprecherIn: Allison Riley, Patrick Gaites, Geoff Sugiyama, Veronica Long, Cory Hawkes, Sean Sonier, Primo Allon, Nancy Von Euw, Aimee Ayotte, Graham Hamilton
Dauer: 7 Std. 11 Min.
Erschienen: 06.11.2018
Cathi Unsworth - editor: London Noir:

Brand-new stories by: Desmond Barry, Ken Bruen, Stewart Home, Barry Adamson, Michael Ward, Sylvie Simmons, Daniel Bennett, Cathi Unsworth, Max Décharné, Martyn Waites, Joolz Denby, John Williams, Jerry Sykes, Mark Pilkington, Joe McNally, Patrick McCabe, and Ken Hollings.  

Cathi Unsworth moved to Ladbroke Grove in 1987 and has stayed there ever since. She began a career in rock writing with Sounds and Melody Maker, before co-editing the arts journal Purr and then Bizarre magazine. Her first novel, The Not Knowing, was published by Serpent’s Tail in August 2005.

London Noir
AutorIn: Cathi Unsworth - editor
SprecherIn: David Thorpe, Jon Glover, Timothy Bentinck, Jane Slavin
Dauer: 8 Std. 35 Min.
Erschienen: 04.12.2018
John Dale - editor: Sydney Noir:

"Sydney is a good choice for Akashic's first noir anthology set in Australia.... The 14 uniformly strong selections feature familiar subgenre figures: gangsters, ethically compromised cops, and people bent on revenge for the loss of a loved one.... Fans of dark crime fiction will want to seek out other works by these contributors, most of whom will be unfamiliar to American readers." (Publishers Weekly)

"The former British penal colony provides fertile ground for dark doings, as these 14 tales demonstrate.... The stories [Dale's] assembled offer ample variety in this cavalcade of crime Down Under." (Kirkus Reviews)

Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each book comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city.

Brand new stories by: Kirsten Tranter, Mandy Sayer, John Dale, Eleanor Limprecht, Mark Dapin, Leigh Redhead, Julie Koh, Peter Polites, Robert Drewe, Tom Gilling, Gabrielle Lord, Philip McLaren, P.M. Newton, and Peter Doyle.

From John Dale's introduction to the book:

"Nothing lasts in Sydney, especially good fortune: lives are upturned, shops are sold, roads dug up, trees and houses knocked down, premiers discarded, and entire communities relocated in the name of that economic mantra - growth and progress. Just when you think the traffic can't get any worse and the screech of the 747s descending over your roof can't get any louder, along comes a wild electrical storm that batters the buildings and shakes the power lines and washes the garbage off the streets and you stand, sheltered under your broken brolly in the center of Sydney, admiring this big beautiful city.

What never changes, though, is the hustle on the street. My father was a detective in the vice squad shortly after the Second World War, and he told stories of busting SP bookies in Paddington and Surry Hills, collaring cockatoos stationed in the laneways of South Sydney, and arresting sly-groggers. Policing back then was hands-on for the poor and hands-off for the rich. Crime and Sydney have always been inseparable: a deep vein of corruption runs beneath the surface of even its most respectable suburbs."

Sydney Noir
AutorIn: John Dale - editor
SprecherIn: Simon Corfield, Martin Moolman, Lee Cormie, Simone Gescheit, Ivy Jones, Christopher Brown, Milan Perkins, Helen Doig, Les Horovitz, Mark Coles Smith, Eloise Mignon, Neil Pigot, John Voce, Stacy Gougoulis
Dauer: 7 Std. 22 Min.
Erschienen: 08.01.2019
Chris Abani - editor: Lagos Noir:

Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each book comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city. Now, West Africa enters the Noir Series arena, meticulously edited by one of Nigeria's best-known authors.

Brand-new stories by Chris Abani, Nnedi Okorafor, E.C. Osondu, Jude Dibia, Chika Unigwe, A. Igoni Barrett, Sarah Ladipo Manyika, Adebola Rayo, Onyinye Ihezukwu, Uche Okonkwo, Wale Lawal, 'Pemi Aguda, and Leye Adenle.

From the introduction by Chris Abani: Lagos has, like many coastal cities, a very checkered and noir past. It is the largest city in Nigeria and its former capital. It is also the largest megacity on the African continent, with a population approximating 21 million, and by itself is the fourth-largest economy in Africa.... It is rumored that there are more canals in Lagos than in Venice. Except in Lagos they are often unintentional. Gutters that have become waterways and lagoons fenced in by stilt homes or full of logs for a timber industry most of us don't know exists. All of it skated by canoes as slick as any dragonfly. There are currently no moonlight or other gondola rides available....

The 13 stories that comprise this volume stretch the boundaries of "noir" fiction, but each one of them fully captures the essence of noir, the unsettled darkness that continues to lurk in the city's streets, alleys, and waterways.... Together, these stories create an unchartered path through the center of Lagos and out to its peripheries, revealing so much more truth at the heart of this tremendous city than any guidebook, TV show, film, or book you are likely to find.

"In the introduction to this excellent anthology, Abani welcomes readers to Lagos, Nigeria, a city of more than 21 million and an amazing amalgam of wealth, poverty, corruption, humor, bravery, and tragedy. Abani and a dozen other contributors tell stories that are both unique to Lagos and universal in their humanity.... This entry stands as one of the strongest recent additions to Akashic's popular noir series." (Publishers Weekly, starred review)

"Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, with a population of 21 million, has, like many coastal cities, a 'very checkered and noir past,' writes novelist Chris Abani in his introduction to this anthology." (BBC Culture)

"The beauty of this book, which contains 13 stories from Nigerian writers, is that it serves as a travelogue, too." (Bloomberg, included in "The Darkest Summer Reading List for Those Bright, Beachy Days")

Lagos Noir
AutorIn: Chris Abani - editor
SprecherIn: Kevin Free, Cary Hite
Dauer: 6 Std. 23 Min.
Erschienen: 22.01.2019
Lisa Allen-Agostini - editor, Jeanne Mason - editor: Trinidad Noir:

Trinidad Noir reveals the Caribbean island’s darkness and its appeal with an unexpected and gratifying result.

Features brand-new stories by Robert Antoni, Elizabeth Nunez, Lawrence Scott, Ramabai Espinet, Shani Mootoo, Kevin Baldeosingh, Vahni Capildeo, Willi Chen, Lisa Allen-Agostini, Keith Jardim, Reena Andrea Manickchand, Tiphanie Yanique, and more.

Trinidad Noir
AutorIn: Lisa Allen-Agostini - editor, Jeanne Mason - editor
SprecherIn: Bahni Turpin, Kevin Free, Ron Butler, Robin Miles, Lisa Allen-Agostini
Dauer: 10 Std. 58 Min.
Erschienen: 26.02.2019
Thomas Wörtche - editor, Lucy Jones - translator: Berlin Noir:

Brand-new stories by: Zoë Beck, Ulrich Woelk, Susanne Saygin, Robert Rescue, Johannes Groschupf, Ute Cohen, Katja Bohnet, Matthias Wittekindt, Kai Hensel, Miron Zownir, Max Annas, Michael Wuliger, and Rob Alef. Translated from German by Lucy Jones.

From the introduction by Thomas Wörtche: Berlin does not make it easy to write noir fiction - or perhaps Berlin makes it too easy. Noir tradition casts a long, influential, and even daunting shadow. Alfred Döblin's and Christopher Isherwood's works, some of Bertolt Brecht's plays, the Morgue poems by Gottfried Benn, M by Fritz Lang, and many other narratives from the first third of the 20th century, all of which are tinged with noir, set high intellectual standards, and literary and aesthetic benchmarks that are hard to surpass....

Neither Döblin nor Benn, Brecht nor Lang, catered to any crime fiction traditions. They merely steeped their literary projects in a great deal of noir. And so it is with most of the stories in our anthology: they do not necessarily follow the usual patterns of crime fiction, but regard noir as a license to write as they wish, a certain way of approaching the city, and a prism through which its nature is viewed.... What's left is history. It is omnipresent in Berlin at every turn; the city is saturated in a history full of blood, violence, and death.

"A volume of short stories that revolve around the history, geography and literary traditions of Berlin." (New York Times Book Review, "Globetrotting," April 2019)

"This collection is very modern, the stories are set now and reflect on contemporary concerns. They demonstrate a dynamism and originality that shows just how important a part of the euro-noir genre German writing is. There are 13 stories here, as diverse as the city they are set in, each one is from a different part of the German capital, and although they are disparate with very different intentions, a picture emerges of a troubled, multi-cultural, vibrant city that has always had its own distinct character.... A welcome addition to one to the most fascinating long running series in crime fiction." (NB Magazine)

"The 13 stories in this welcome entry in Akashic's noir series, all set in 21st-century Berlin, are less about traditional crime and more likely to involve gentrification, immigrants, or Airbnb.... There's more than enough variety to entertain most readers." (Publishers Weekly)

Berlin Noir
AutorIn: Thomas Wörtche - editor, Lucy Jones - translator
SprecherIn: P. J. Ochlan, Natasha Soudek
Dauer: 9 Std. 00 Min.
Erschienen: 02.07.2019
Adriana V. Lopez - editor, Carmen Ospina - editor: Barcelona Noir:

Journey to Spain with "stories that tap into history, politics and culture to cast a cloak of horror and humor on the city’s distinctive neighborhoods" (The Miami Herald).

For some, Barcelona is a European enchantress of nouveau architecture, fusion tapas, and fine cava. To others, it’s a Gothic labyrinth of tiny streets to lose oneself in; hashish-clouded after-hours bars to forget the time; dimly lit plazas with global bohemians squatting, prostitutes tempting. But come morning, its cold cobblestones and misty beachfronts have even darker stories to tell.

This collection of crime fiction includes brand-new stories by Jordi Sierra i Fabra, Imma Monsó, Santiago Roncagliolo, Francisco González Ledesma, Valerie Miles, David Barba, Isabel Franc, Lolita Bosch, Eric Taylor-Aragón, Antonia Cortijos, Cristina Fallarás, Raúl Argemí, Teresa Solana, and Andreu Martín.

Barcelona Noir
AutorIn: Adriana V. Lopez - editor, Carmen Ospina - editor
SprecherIn: Asha Cluer, John Telfer
Dauer: 7 Std. 28 Min.
Erschienen: 23.07.2019
Mayra Santos-Febres - editor: San Juan Noir:

"Santos-Febres and 13 other contributors of Puerto Rican heritage take full advantage of San Juan's wide range of disparities between rich and poor, weak and powerful, tourists and residents, in this fine addition to Akashic's noir anthology series." (Publishers Weekly

"A welcomed addition to the publisher's popular noir series, San Juan Noir has the distinction of being issued in two editions, English and Spanish, to more accurately reflect the Caribbean island's bilingual culture. Editor Santos-Febres gathers a varied collection of stories she expects will 'reveal a side of Puerto Rico otherwise obscured by the tourist trade and preconception'." (NBC News Latino)

"The stories within San Juan Noir stare right into the face of colonialism as they examine the gaps between the city's rich and its poor, its residents and its constant flow of tourists, its colorful exterior and its gritty underbelly. This is noir with a bite, noir that enthralls with its dark tales even as it challenges the reader - do better, do better, do better." (Literary Hub)

"From the interiors of sleazy bars or chic resort hotels, shabby apartments and in open streets and avenues with no escape, the tales of San Juan Noir trace the doomed routes of their victims and villains with an acute social and tragic awareness. These journeys keep the reader transfixed and understanding this Caribbean city in entirely new ways." (Insights)  

Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each story is set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the city of the book.

Brand-new stories by: Wilfredo J. Burgos Matos, Ernesto Quiñonez, Mayra Santos-Febres, José Rabelo, Luis Negrón, Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, Ana María Fuster Lavín, Janette Becerra, Manolo Núñez Negrón, Tere Dávila, Edmaris Carazo, Alejandro Álvarez Nieves, Charlie Vázquez, and Manuel A. Meléndez. Translated by Will Vanderhyden.

From the introduction by Mayra Santos-Febres:

"Puerto Rico is often portrayed as sandy beaches, casinos, luxury hotels, relaxation, and never-ending pleasure - a place that satisfies all senses and appetites.

Yet the city of San Juan is much more than that. The capital of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is the oldest Spanish settlement in all the territories and colonies of the United States. Since Puerto Rico is economically dependent on the US, the financial downturn of 2008 hit us hard. Many Puerto Ricans have left the island, looking for a better life. Crime has risen and the black market has thrived. As in many crises, art, music, and literature have also flourished. Never before has there been so much literary production. We have responded to our crisis with many stories to tell. And, especially in these times, many of those stories are noir....

I hope these stories spark your imagination, and reveal a side of Puerto Rico otherwise obscured by the tourist trade and preconceptions. Maybe it will also pique your curiosity, and you will come visit our 'pearl of the Caribbean'."

San Juan Noir
AutorIn: Mayra Santos-Febres - editor
SprecherIn: Raul Reyes, Antonio Fornaris, Maritza Martinez, Yaisa Figueroa
Dauer: 5 Std. 07 Min.
Erschienen: 15.10.2019
Klaudia Zotzmann-Koch: Mord & Schokolade: Paula Anders

Das süßeste Fachwerkhaus der Welt, wie der Hildesheimer Umgestülpte Zuckerhut schon einmal genannt wurde, beherbergt Paula Anders' Spezialitätengeschäft Bittersweet: Schokolade und Kaffee. Nur einige hundert Meter weiter klaffen in der Dombaustelle tiefe Löcher in der entweihten Erde. Als auf den Stufen zur Krypta ein Toter mit einer mysteriösen Schokoladentafel in der Tasche gefunden wird, steckt Paula plötzlich in Verstrickungen und Korruption, denen auch ihre Jugendliebe Pater Thomas nicht entrinnen kann.

Mord & Schokolade: Paula Anders' erster Fall, 2. Auflage
Die Paula Anders Reihe 1
AutorIn: Klaudia Zotzmann-Koch
SprecherIn: Klaudia Zotzmann-Koch
Dauer: 6 Std. 18 Min.
Erschienen: 16.11.2019
Don Noble - editor: Alabama Noir: Akashic Books: Noir

Some locales seem to come with their own soundtrack. Don Ho and his tiny bubbles provide the background music for Hawaii, Edith Piaf for Paris. The reggae of Bob Marley evokes Jamaica. The soundtrack for Alabama is without question provided by our troubled troubadour Hank Williams. 

The 2016 biography Hank by Mark Ribowsky paints a dark picture of the musician's short, alcoholic, drug-filled life: a life of loneliness and pain. He goes so far as to call Hank's life story "noir-ish"....

In Alabama Noir we encounter "troubles and foibles" galore, darkness in many forms. The stories range from the deadly grim to some that are actually mildly humorous. 

We see desperate behavior on the banks of the Tennessee River, in the neighborhoods of Birmingham, in the affluent suburbs of Mobile, in a cemetery in Montgomery, and even on the deceptively pleasant beaches of the Gulf of Mexico.Fans of noir should all find something to enjoy. 

Alabama Noir
Akashic Books: Noir
AutorIn: Don Noble - editor
SprecherIn: JD Jackson, Mirron Willis, Catherine Taber, Allyson Johnson, David DeVries, Dan Triandiflou, Tiffany Morgan, Cara Reid, Paul Jackson, Janina Edwards
Dauer: 7 Std. 31 Min.
Erschienen: 09.06.2020
Colette Bancroft - editor: Tampa Bay Noir: Akashic Books: Noir

Tampa Bay joins Miami in representing the (alleged) Sunshine State in the Noir Series arena.

"At last, the popular Akashic Noir series has adopted the Tampa Bay area.... The notion of elevating place to the status of a character in a story, a frequent topic in writers workshops, works to maximum effect. The descriptive forays are full of observations that can only be gleaned by living here." (Tampa Bay Times)

"A new collection of noir fiction features all sorts of miscreants finding their way through this part of Florida." (Ocala Star Banner)

"[A] lively collection of superior short stories." (South Florida Sun Sentinel)

"For too long readers have connected Florida Noir with the admittedly fascinating locales of Miami-Dade County, thanks to a slew of talented and popular writers no doubt, but there's another major metropolitan area on the Gulf Coast that's every bit Miami's equal for bizarre noir. Tampa Bay gets a much-deserved turn in the spotlight with this new collection in the Akashic series, edited by Colette Bancroft and featuring some stellar contributions from writers out of the greater Tampa diaspora, including Michael Connelly, Tim Dorsey, Sarah Gerard, Ace Atkins, and Lori Roy." (CrimeReads, One of the Most Anticipated Crime Books of 2020)

"Books can transport us to faraway, exotic places we've never seen, but they can also show us new angles of familiar places we thought we knew. Places closer to home like Hyde Park, Tierra Verde, Davis Islands, Palma Ceia, Clearwater Beach, Pass-a-Grille, Indian Rocks Beach, Westshore, St. Petersburg's 34th Street, Gibsonton, Lake Maggiore, Pinellas Park, Largo, Safety Harbor and Rattlesnake. Those are the local settings - yes, Rattlesnake is a real place! - for the 15 stories collected in Tampa Bay Noir, an anthology of new crime fiction due out in August." (Creative Pinellas)

"Anyone who lives in the Tampa Bay area knows there are stories of intrigue here, just waiting to be told." (The Gabber)

"Every classic mystery-fiction theme is represented here - murder, fraud, love, sex, money - and, overall, the writing is top quality. Lovers of short crime fiction should eat this one up." (Booklist)

"Fifteen tales that reveal the dark side of sunny Tampa Bay." (Kirkus Reviews)

Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each book comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct location within the geographic area of the book.

Brand-new stories by: Michael Connelly, Lori Roy, Ace Atkins, Karen Brown, Tim Dorsey, Lisa Unger, Sterling Watson, Luis Castillo, Sarah Gerard, Danny López, Ladee Hubbard, Gale Massey, Yuly Restrepo Garcés, Eliot Schrefer, and Colette Bancroft.

From the introduction by Colette Bancroft:

Ask most people what the Tampa Bay area is famous for, and they might mention sparkling beaches and sleek urban centers and contented retirees strolling the golf courses year-round. But it's always had a dark side. Just look at its signature event: a giant pirate parade.

Not only does Gasparilla honor the buccaneer traditions of theft, debauchery, and violence; its namesake pirate captain, José Gaspar, is a fake who probably never existed. And if there's any variety of crime baked into Florida's history, it's fraud. From the indigenous residents who supposedly conned Spanish explorers seeking the Fountain of Youth through the rolling cycles of real estate scams that have shaped the Sunshine State for the last century or so, the place is a grifter's native habitat.

Tampa Bay Noir
Akashic Books: Noir
AutorIn: Colette Bancroft - editor
SprecherIn: Adam Grupper, Tim Pabon, Kevin Free, Sarah Puckett, Vico Ortiz
Dauer: 9 Std. 22 Min.
Erschienen: 15.09.2020
Ariel Gore - editor: Santa Fe Noir: Akashic Books: Noir

Santa Fe joins Phoenix as a riveting Southwest US installment in the Akashic Noir series.

"There is a real charm to the local specificity of Santa Fe Noir, and it's a pleasure to discover how different imaginations can channel the chiaroscuro energy of well-known places." (Santa Fe Reporter)

"Because each story is identified by the neighborhood or specific location in which it takes place, Santa Fe Noir is a veritable road map of the city and surrounding area. It stretches from El Dorado to the Southside, Casa Solana and Cerrillos Road to the Santa Fe National Forest. The protagonists of the stories are psychotherapists, vagrants, teenagers, and gig workers. They drink and smoke. They drop acid and have sex. And more than a few are guilty of murder (or at least of justifiable homicide)." (Pasatiempo)

"If you picture Santa Fe, New Mexico, only as a sunny, vibrant, colorful Southwest arts mecca, this anthology will shred that image with feral claws." (Roundup Magazine)

Brand-new stories by: Ana Castillo, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Byron F. Aspaas, Barbara Robidoux, Elizabeth Lee, Ana June, Israel Francisco Haros Lopez, Ariel Gore, Darryl Lorenzo Wellington, Candace Walsh, Hida Viloria, Cornelia Read, Miriam Sagan, James Reich, Kevin Atkinson, Katie Johnson, and Tomas Moniz.

From the introduction by Ariel Gore:

The stories in this collection reflect a fundamental truth about this city: history depends on who's telling it. Too often the story of Santa Fe has been told only by the conquerors and the tourism PR firms. In Santa Fe Noir, you will hear the voices of the others: locals and Native people, unemployed veterans and queer transplants, the homeless and the paroled-to-here. When I asked the contributors you'll hear if they had a Santa Fe story to tell, they invariably shrugged and said something to the effect of, "Oh, I've got a story all right. But it might not fit the image of Santa Fe you're looking for".

I said, "Try me". They came back with the stories that never make the glossy tour brochures: the working class and the underground, the decolonized and the ever-haunted; the Santa Fe only we know.... Conquered and reconquered, colonized and commodified, Santa Fe understands - from historical genocide to the murders of family members - the intimacy of violence.

Santa Fe Noir
Akashic Books: Noir
AutorIn: Ariel Gore - editor
SprecherIn: Byron Aspaas, Gabra Zackman, Dan Bittner, Steve Rimpici, Thom Rivera, Ines del Castillo, Gary Tiedemann, Adrianna Sananes, Tim Pabon
Dauer: 7 Std. 09 Min.
Erschienen: 22.09.2020
Peter Kimani - editor: Nairobi Noir: Akashic Books: Noir

"Nairobi Noir takes readers into the enigmas that haunt Kenya’s most populous city through the deft storytelling of a stellar cast of writers, which includes Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Stanley Gazemba, Makena Onjerika, Troy Onyango, and others.” (Brittle Paper, One of 50 Notable African Books of 2020)

"Nairobi is a city of 3 million souls, so it makes sense as a setting Akashic Books' famed noir series. 14 new stories fill a collection with Nairobi old and new; authors range in age from 24 to 81, and many layers of the city and its complex subcultures will be revealed as the reader makes their way through. Perfect for the armchair traveler!" (CrimeReads, included in CrimeReads' Most Anticipated Crime Books of 2020)

"Racial, religious, and class divides are acutely observed in the 14 new stories from Kenyan writers... Crime fiction fans will find much to savor." (Publishers Weekly)

Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each book comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city.

Brand-new stories by: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, Stanley Gazemba, Ngumi Kibera, Peter Kimani, Winfred Kiunga, Kinyanjui Kombani, Caroline Mose, Kevin Mwachiro, Wanjikũ wa Ngũgĩ, Faith Oneya, Makena Onjerika, Troy Onyango, J.E. Sibi-Okumu, and Rasna Warah.

From the introduction by Peter Kimani:

Nairobi Noir is an act of excavation, rediscovering the city's ossified past and infusing life to preserve it for future generations. It is also an act of celebration, reminding listeners of the brilliance of the best-known writers to emerge from this part of the world, and heralding the birth of new writers whose gifts, we can safely predict, will shine brightly in the years ahead.

The oldest writer in this anthology is 81, the youngest is only 24; if there is any inference one can draw from this demographic it is that this anthology offers an entire spectrum of Kenyan writing: the past, present, and future. If we can allow one extravagant claim, a collection of this nature is unprecedented in Kenya's literary history.

Although the range of issues explored in Nairobi Noir is as diverse as its contributors, it all gestures toward a common theme. In this concrete jungle, the hunters and herders live on. As do the hunted....

Nairobi Noir
Akashic Books: Noir
AutorIn: Peter Kimani - editor
SprecherIn: John Kamau, Shaheen Khan, Faaiz Mbelizi, Charles Mnene, Agi Nanjosi, Naima Swaleh
Dauer: 8 Std. 10 Min.
Erschienen: 23.02.2021
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