
Die meisten Leute werfen Avocado-Kerne weg, aber diese Künstlerin schnitzt daraus magische Waldgeschöpfe

Jan Campbell aus der Grafschaft Mayo im Westen Irlands, bereitet eine Avocado zum Mittagessen zu , als sie von der Schönheit im Inneren der Frucht "überrascht" wird.
"Es dämmerte mir, dass ich einen wunderschönen Kern in meiner Hand hielt, einen mit viel Potenzial. Es fühlte sich wie eine Schande an, ihn einfach auf  den Kompost zu werfen."

Jan Campell wischt den Stein schließlich sauber und steckt ihn in die Tasche ihres Regenmantels.

"Der Avocado-Stein begleitete mich ein oder zwei Wochen lang, bis ich ihn eines Tages herausnahm und sah, dass die Oberfläche verkratzt war, vielleicht einfach durch meine Schlüssel. Ich war fasziniert von dem, was ich sah - ein tiefes Orangenpigment hatte den Kratzer "gefüllt". Ich erforschte den Kern weiter, riss solange Schichten ab, bis ein schönes Kunstwerk erschien. 

Dabei konnte ich kaum glauben, wie unglaublich befriedigend diese Aktivität war - warum hatte ich diesen Genuss noch nie zuvor entdeckt? Ich hatte mein ganzes Leben lang Bilder gemalt, aber das Schnitzen war wie Zeichnen in 3D - ich hatte eine ganz besondere Dimension entdeckt und  "fand" plötzlich ein sanftes, lächelndes Gesicht im Stein. Ich ging geradewegs zum Supermarkt, um weitere Avocados zu kaufen und brannte darauf, noch weitere Figuren in den Steinen zu finden."

Seither schnitzt die Irin ruhige Gesichter von Waldgeistern ihrer Heimat, das fließende Haar alter Kelten-Göttinnen und sogar eine Handvoll wilder Pilze. Die Miniaturen können einfach als Statuen aufgestellt oder als Anhänger getragen werden und sollen dem Besitzer ein einzigartiges Gefühl von Freundschaft und Verbundenheit bieten. Entdecke einige von Jan's feinsten Kreationen hier.

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Jan Campbell


Rowan ????

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The softest cocoon ???? (back in the womb) • I will be offering new works for sale tomorrow, Friday 9th June at 7pm Irish time (24 hours from now) ???? you can preview the new listings in my website shop now - link in bio ????

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I found Dagda and his magic harp inside an avocado stone ???? when the Dagda played his harp he could make anyone who heard it giggle with joy, cry with sorrow, or fall instantly into the softest sleep. The playing of his harp made the seasons come in the correct order ???????????? I want to make a small ensemble of musicians ???? next I will carve a Viol de Gamba player - let me know if you have any suggestions of other instruments you'd like to see ????

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My warmest thanks to everyone who made purchases in my shop this weekend ???????? I'm preparing my little avocado stone and bronze friends for their journeys, and I'll have them all on their way by Tuesday ????

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Aed, Cormac and Cían ????????

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a freshly carved Forest Sprite, I think her name has to be Autumn ????????????

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a promised close-up of the Forest Guardian ???? life-size ????

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.•° Before and After °•. the giant avocado stone my brother brought home for me from Peru ???? it was wonderful to have such a huge stone to work with! I'll have to go on a carving retreat to Peru someday, and meet the people there who have carved avocado stones for generations ????

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a Druid ???? I was inspired by a mosaic on an old disused nunnery near where I live - I uploaded a photo of it in my IG Story ???? I want to carve a whole group of tiny cloaked people ???? PS: thank you thank you thank you for all your words of encouragement and support on my post yesterday ????????????

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Her name is Aifric, an old Irish name that I love ???? she'll be available in my shop when I reopen it (hopefully this Friday!!)

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Some recently finished pieces ???? forest guardians, a Celt, two mushrooms, a left hand and Venus of Willendorf ????

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???????????????? visited Drombeg stone circle today :)

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My next shop update will be in the beginning of June and it will be solely figurines ???????????? I have a 'Shop Update Alert' mailing list for anyone who doesn't want to miss it ???? (link in my profile). I'm going on holiday to Cornwall tomorrow for a week! ???? My website shop will be closed until Tuesday the 30th ????

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Best present ever ???? my brother was on holidays in Peru and he brought me back this absolutely gigantic avocado stone, from an enormous avocado he ate there ???? Here it is with one of my regular sized carvings for scale. I'm excited to carve a huge flowing tangled leafy beard!

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The last of my pieces that will be available before Christmas, all of which are in my 20% sale this weekend (until Monday midnight) - use coupon code "LEAFYBEARD20" at checkout to avail of the offer ???? lots of mushrooms, a forest sprite, two female Forest Guardians, a Celtic Knotwork piece, two Venus of Willendorfs, a Kuksa fairy cup and a Sheela na Gig ???? ???? I hope to make a couple of figurines in the coming weeks which won't be part of this sale being brand new work - a sneak peek of what I plan on focusing on in the New Year ???? ? Thank you so much for the orders so far this weekend! They will be shipped on Monday ????

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The largest group of Forest Guardians I've ever had together at one time ???????? I had to take a photo of them all together before sending Gwydion off to his new home in Florida! ???? some of the others will be appearing in my shop before Christmas ????

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The forest guardians and dwellers who I'll be offering for sale in tomorrow's shop update ???? Fiachra, Conn, Iarla Rua, Réidín and Vanaprastha ????

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